FAW/ UEFA A & Elite Youth A Licence (Combined Course) 2020
Price: £4,725.00
- Region: Gwent
- Location: Dragon Park
- Course Start Date: 28th May 2020
- Course Time: Residential Blocks
Application Closing Date: 24th January 2020
This course requires evidence to be submitted and approved before it can be started.
Course Dates
6th March 2022 (Practical)

Central to the FAW/UEFA A Licence is developing the coach’s capacity to utilise and apply reflective practice techniques. Coaches are encouraged to develop a personal philosophy that challenges and benefits players at their club. The course is framed within the ‘Welsh Way’ principles, set-out in our National Syllabus, and designed to create coaches who plan and design meaningful practices, in varied contexts.
The course is delivered through flexible teaching methods, over a 12-month period. It consists of three residential teaching blocks, arranged around the competitive season breaks. Support is provided between course time by dedicated FAW mentoring staff, who work on the individual needs of each coach. Coaches will also complete a series of online modules throughout the course.
The UEFA A & Elite Youth A Licence Combined Course will enhance the education and increase the employability of coaches choosing the Coach Education pathway in Wales.
Course Dates
Contact 1: 28 May – 2 June 2020 (6 Days)
Contact 2: 29 November – 1 December 2020 (3 Days)
Contact 3: 18 May – 23 May 2021 (6 Days)
Course Venues
Dragon Park, FAW National Development Centre
The Coldra Court Hotel, Newport
• FAW/ UEFA B Licence Youth & Senior Pathway Certificates
• FAW/ UEFA B Licence or European equivalent Certificate
• Coaching CV detailing your Coaching and Playing Career to date
• Covering Letter
To be admitted to the UEFA A Licence course, Coaches must have at least one year's coaching experience as a UEFA B Licence holder.
What age group should I be coaching to apply for the Course?
To complete the club based mentoring sessions you are required to be coaching U16’s Upwards (Exceptions may be considered in certain circumstances).
Application Process
The initial registration, will automatically set up your account via this FAW Coach Education Management System. An email will follow with your login details to allow you to continue and finalise the application. (Please check your SPAM/ JUNK Folder)
All requested documents to finalise the application should be uploaded to the evidence section of your profile by no later than 5pm, Friday 24 January 2020
(We will not review any applications without the required supporting evidence).
All applicants successful or unsuccessful will be informed of the FAW Coach Education Admissions Panel decision by no later than Friday 14 February 2020.
Places are limited to a maximum of 30 across the National and International Course.
UEFA Cross Border Process
Under the UEFA Coaching Convention Directives, any applicant originating from a National Association other than the Football Association of Wales must complete a UEFA Cross border form before being approved for a Football Association of Wales course.
ONLY successful candidates will be provided with the necessary form to complete on completion of the Admissions process.
No payment details will be requested until the admissions process has been completed
Andrew Crofts, UEFA A Licence participant 2018/19;
“ I enjoyed every contact and feel like I learned something new every time. The amount of detail and planning that goes into the Welsh Way of working really impressed me. The course gave me a real identity of who I want to be as a coach and how I can get the best out of the people around me.â€
This course can no longer be purchased.